

1bait pronunciation: function: verb etymology: middle english, from old norse beita; akin to old english b??tan to bait, bītan to bite — more at bitedate: 13th centurytransitive verb 1 a : to persecute or exasperate with unjust, malicious, or persistent attacks b : tease2 a : to harass (as a chained animal) with dogs usually for sport b : to attack by biting and tearing3 a : to furnish with bait b : entice, lure4 : to give food and drink to (an animal) especially on the roadintransitive verb archaic : to stop for food and rest when traveling— bait;er noun synonyms bait, badger, heckle, hector, chivy, hound mean to harass by efforts to break down. bait implies wanton cruelty or delight in persecuting a helpless victim lt;baited the chained doggt;. badger implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy lt;badgered her father for a cargt;. heckle implies persistent annoying or belligerent interruptions of a speaker lt;drunks heckled the stand-up comicgt;. hector carries an implication of bullying and domineering lt;football players hectored by their coachgt;. chivy suggests persecution by teasing or nagging lt;chivied the new student mercilesslygt;. hound implies unrelenting pursuit and harassing lt;hounded by creditorsgt;.


"跑跑" super-fast beginners Arena "financial expertise" Queen (1) - arcade mop

show next picture (click) in recent years, "跑跑" super-majority of players ahead of beginners, "arena 跑跑" get more customers, the increase 呀急 crowd! people's daily tasks, many that can be described as a gathering place of refuge for beginners 呀! few days, we, the "queen", fame and wealth can become the financial expertise of novice players. the task of the case of the first three layers of one type of layer, beginner, novice gradually experts in our rapid growth in the classic taste of running tasks more enjoyable, the stars for execution, the basic learning the skills to perform tasks. first, the entry of novice task 1: button trick experience: 100 points game currency: 1000tr task 2: sprint landing, x rebound hit the plate experience: 100 points game currency: 1000tr task 3: dj skills introduced experience: 100 points game currency: 1000tr 2, star challenge star's first attempt - the sun and moon experience: 2000 points currency games: 5000 items 2 star practice - super jump experience value: 1,000 points currencies games: 3000 items samsung issues - anger of the father of the octopus experience: 2000 points currency games: 5000 items pursuit of four - star hotels - 4 (general) concentric experience: 5000 points currency games: 5000 items three recall tasks, a classic snow country woman - save your love and light of a snowy haze experience value: 1,000 points currencies games: 1000 items fairy tale adventures - adventures of jack and the bean tree experience value: 1,000 points currencies games: 1000 items survival challenge - the joy of electric wheel experience value: 1,000 points currencies games: 1000 items guretogosutogosuto - escape ah oh escape! momotaro experience value: 1,000 points currencies games: 1000 items 跑跑 arena, i am participating player: pao.sdo.com / projects / arena / index.asp has opened a new task to ask "super 跑跑" official year in january, new and old customers are all polite, please refer to the section 18 has opened the beta version. january 28 corporate bank, hiroshi sato 3 day wave, sending a number of major awards. see january 24, we wait for the version of the opening came, gifts fengqiang beta also do not forget us. and, ah, the childhood experiences, tr, do not miss the home early to enjoy the props are all waiting for you! for more information, click the 2.0 version: pao.sdo.com/project/20080111/index.html β-wide gonglue: pao.sdo.com/project/20080117/index.html world's first online game "talesrunner" (product), the synchronization of different types of attraction as a world champion 跑跑, and they deserve to experience the race the same race can fly! "super 跑跑" official site: pao.sdo.com "跑跑" super official forum: bbs.pao.sdo.com


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━━ n. 【文法】文; 【法】宣告, 判泀 (a life ? 絢身刑); 〔古〕 ことわざ; 【榮】榮節. pass [give, pronounce] sentence …に判泀を下す ((on,upon)). serve one's sentence 刑に服する. under sentence of …の刑を言い渡されて.━━ vt. 宣告[判泀]をする ((to do)); 強いる.sentence adverb 文副詞 (sentence modifying adverb).sentence modifier 文修飾誾.sentence pattern 文型.sentence stress 文強勢.sen?ten?tial ━━ a.sen?ten?tious if (ac_fl_runcontent == 0) { } else { ac_fl_runcontent( 'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0', 'width', '24', 'height', '16', 'src', 'dic', 'flashvars', 'mp3=/voice2/s/02070793.mp3', 'quality', 'high', 'pluginspage', 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer', 'align', 'middle', 'play', 'true', 'loop', 'true', 'scale', 'showall', 'wmode', 'transparent', 'devicefont', 'false', 'id', 'dic', 'bgcolor', '#ffffff', 'name', 'dic', 'menu', 'true', 'allowfullscreen', 'false', 'allowscriptaccess','samedomain', 'movie', '/dic', 'salign', '' ); //end ac code }  ━━ a. 格言の多い; 簡潔な; 教訓めいた, もったいぶった.sen?ten?tious?ly ad.sen?ten?tious?ness n.